03 Nov Best Online Selling Platforms for Your Business
Over the last decade, online shopping has become incredibly popular. Nowadays, a lot of people tend to favor buying goods on the web because it is convenient, offers a wide choice of products, and is often cheaper than in stores. Here we will list the best selling platforms that will allow you to reach a huge variety of customers.
Thanks to the internet, selling stuff online has become a complete game-changer. Before internet shopping was a thing, selling products was incredibly laborious. While newspaper ads, yard sales, and storefronts do still exist – they seem incredibly inefficient compared to what opportunities e-commerce has opened up. Thanks to a host of online selling platforms, nowadays, anybody can make a quick buck by selling stuff from the comfort of their own home. The world of e-commerce has changed the way people think of starting a business. What used to be a difficult process has now become a day’s work. In mere hours one can set up their own online shop on a free selling platform. The numbers speak for themselves – just last year, e-commerce sales have amounted to an incredible 3.5 trillion dollars. Especially if one manages to hit a vein of products that go viral, one can literally get rich overnight. Making money on the internet has become a real thing, and there are many ways to do it. If you are looking for a more fun approach to make extra bucks online, then you will surely enjoy mr bet. Of course, one method does not exclude the other, the more, the merrier – right? No matter how exotic your business idea is or what products you would like to sell online, there is a platform that will work for you. In this article, we would like to give you a list of the best online selling platforms for your needs.
The Best Selling Platforms for Business
If you have been thinking of creating your own store, then there is no better way to do it than through Shopify. Creating your own brand can be extremely profitable and fulfilling if you get it right. On the other hand, it requires you to invest some thought into creating a store and marketing it right, as you have to drive traffic to your shop on your own. This means doing ad campaigns, working with influencer marketing, and other potential strategies. However, that being said, Shopify makes creating your own website as simple as it can get. As of last year, over a million merchants were using the website. It is very beginner-friendly. Don’t be intimidated If you have no idea of creating websites. Shopify provides a whole bunch of templates that are absolutely simple to use. If anything, there are thousands upon thousands of online tutorials that will help you out. A basic Shopify subscription costs 29 dollars per month. It includes hosting your website on the platform, SSL certificates, a blog, social media integration, and a ton of other useful tools. On top of that, there are loads of purchasable third-party apps that you can use to customize your store as you need.
Amazon is an example of a selling platform that hardly needs an introduction. The website is incredibly successful and has monthly traffic of almost 21 million users. By using Amazon to sell products, you can tap into its established trustworthiness, automatically adding a sense of comfort for your customers. Absolutely the best thing about selling goods on the site is their high traffic. This means that you can get away with little to no marketing, as people search constantly search for a variety of products either way. There, the whole game is to get your products listed as high as possible in the search results. To achieve this, be sure to check out some SEO optimization tutorials. A professional merchant account will set you back 39.99 dollars a month. Additionally, there is a minor fee for each item you sell. This isn’t that much, considering the humongous potential reach you can get for your products. Amazon is great if you are someone who is looking to sell numerous products and are looking for organic traffic.
If you need a selling platform for digital goods, then look no further than Sellwire. It is simple to use and will set you back only 9 dollars per month. The selling process is quite easy: you upload a file and get a link in return. This can be put onto your website, social media, or wherever you’d like to share it. It is a great selling platform for games that are in digital format exclusively, as well as other software without physical format. The platform includes convenient order tracking, detailed reports, and flexible promotions.
When it comes to the best selling platform for artists, Etsy takes the crown. It has a great reputation and caters to even the most niche markets. As of this year, the site has gathered over 60 million buyers. If you are someone who creates hand-made goods, jewelry, paintings, or anything of the sort, Etsy will help you find customers. Similar to Amazon, it has a huge amount of organic traffic. People tend to go on Etsy to find cool things. It turns the traditional marketing approach upside down, as you don’t have to advertise your products if you don’t want to. However, SEO optimization for your inventory is key. Etsy charges only 20 cents for listing an item, a five percent transaction fee, and a three percent + 25 cents processing fee for every item you sell.
If you have been thinking of trying your luck at selling things online, you can not go wrong with the listed options. We hope to have inspired you to embark upon your journey as a merchant and wish you the best of luck in your endeavors. We would also love to hear your thoughts on this subject. What selling platform is your favorite, and why? Please leave your comments in the section below!
Author’s Bio
Alex Norwood is an experienced traveler and an online entrepreneur. He is very interested in technology and tries to implement it in his life. He runs a successful eCommerce business and is always on the lookout for new lucrative ways to make money online.
Image by mohamed Hassan from Pixabay
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