23 Jun 8 Stunning HTML5 Video Player WordPress Plugins
Which is the best HTML5 Video Player WordPress Plugin? It will not be hard for you to answer this question after going through this top where we tried to select just those HTML5 Video Player WordPress Plugin that abound in customization options, and who enchanted us with their graphical solutions.
1. HTML5 Video Player WordPress Plugin
Important Note!
This Product Is Included In The Most Wanted WordPress Plugins Pack
HTML5 Video Player WordPress Plugin includes 3 types of video players:
– With RightSide Playlist
– Without Playlist
– With Bottom Playlist
It plays .MP4 and .WEBM video files.
Video Player With Rightside Playlist:
1. Installation
2. How To Create a Video Player and Change Player Settings
3. Manage The Playlist
- Multiple Skins Included: You can choose from 5 skins for each player.
- Multiple Parameters Available: width, height, playlist width, border width & color, autoplay, loop and many more.
- Responsive Design: The video player if fully responsive. Parameter to enable or disable responsive behavior.
- Multiple Instances: You can insert the player multiple times in the same page with the same skin or using a different skin.
- Description For Video – Optional: It Can Be Disabled: You can set a Title and Description for the video. Supports HTML & CSS formated text.
- Fullscreen: It supports full screen, having all the controllers usable in full screen mode, including playlist.
- Autohide For Controllers: The controllers will auto hide on mouse out, showing the entire movie. Parameter to to enable or disable this behavior.
- Click Listener
- Preview Image: A preview image can be defined for each movie
- Playlist Image: A playlist image can be defined for each movie
Video Player With Bottom Playlist:
1. Installation
2. How To Create a Video Player and Change Player Settings
3. Manage The Playlist
- Responsive Design: The video player if fully responsive. Parameter to enable or disable responsive behavior.
- Description For Video – Optional: It Can Be Disabled: You can set a Title and Description for the video. Supports HTML & CSS formated text.
- Multiple Skins Included: You can choose from 5 skins for each player.
- It plays .MP4 and .WEBM video files.
- Multiple Instances: You can insert the player multiple times in the same page with the same skin or using a different skin.
- Autohide For Controllers: The controllers will auto hide on mouse out, showing the entire movie. Parameter to to enable or disable this behavior.
- Click Listener.
- Fullscreen: It supports full screen, having all the controllers usable in full screen mode, including playlist.
- Multiple Parameters Available:
– width
– height
– border width & color – autoplay
– loop
… and more
Video Player Without Playlist:
1. Installation
2. How To Create a Video Player and How To Change the Player Settings
3. How To Create Multiple Players And Use The Shortcode Optional Parameters
- Fullscreen: It supports full screen, having all the controllers usable in full screen mode. You can enter on fullscreen mode by clicking the button or by double clicking on the video.
- Description For Video – Optional: It Can Be Disabled: You can set a Title and Description for the video. Supports HTML & CSS formated text.
- Responsive Design: The video player if fully responsive. Parameter to enable or disable responsive behavior.
- Multiple Parameters Available: width, height, autoplay, loop and many more.
- Autohide For Controllers: The controllers will auto hide on mouse out, showing the entire movie. Parameter to to enable or disable this behavior.
- Preview Image: A preview image can be defined.
- Volume Control: You have a complete sound control. You can also set the initial volume.
- Multiple Skins Included: You can choose from 6 skins.
- It plays .MP4 and .WEBM video files
- Click Listener
2. JW Player 7 for WordPress – Premium
JW Player 7 for WordPress – Premium works with the latest version of the famous video player, JW7, and it gives you full control of all the options available.
New on version 1.4.0:
- Add custom measures to every single player with the new shortcode options. (read more)
- Social sharing now includes Facebook, Twitter, GooglePlus, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Tumblr, Reddit and email of course.
- Load different subtitles files (vtt, srt, dfxp) that can be chosen from the CC selection menu.
- Add different sources with label and let the user toggles the desired video quality.
- Now you can let the user download your video only by adding a flag.
- Configures if the player should loop the content.
- Autostart, Mute and Repeat options are now available for playlists too by using the new shortcode options. (read more)
Main Features of JW Player 7:
- Add videos exactly where you need them, using a shortcode.
- Add Related Videos using the WordPress categories.
- Sharing option, also with video embed.
- Add Ads Preroll to your videos (JW Player Ads license is required).
- Add Chapter Markers and Subtitles.
- Create playlists in a super easy way.
- Use the post thumbnail as video poster image.
- YouTube videos get thumbnails automatically.
3. HTML5 Video Player & FullScreen Video Background
This HTML5 Video Player WordPress Plugin is ideal if you want a video player which will support YouTube, Vimeo and Self-Hosted videos. Due to the fact that it has the option to be also used as a Full-Screen Video Background for your pages, it will allow you to create awesome websites.
1. Installation
2. How To Create a Video Player
3. How To Create a Video Background For Your Page
- YouTube, Vimeo and Self-Hosted support: It plays YouTube, Vimeo and Self-Hosted video files. For YouTube & Vimeo all you need to use is the video ID.
- Responsive Design: The plugin is fully responsive, including images and videos and will adapt the browser/device resolution.
- Mobile Compatible: It is compatible with IOS and Android operating systems.
- Optional fallback image for mobile devices for FullScreen video background: You have the option to set a fallback image for mobile devices, if you don’t want the video to appear on the mobile devices.
- Fixed Width/Full Width: You can use the plugin as a fixed width or as a full width video player.
- FullScreen video background: The plugin can be used as a full-screen video background for your website. The video will cover the entire screen without any black stripes.
- Texture Over Video: Optional parameter to add a texture over the images. In this manner you’ll not have to modify each image to add the texture.
- Border: For Fixed Width and Full Width version you have parameters to set the border width and color./li>
- Multiple Parameters: Over 30 js options from where you can customize your player, including: autoplay, loop, colors, dimensions, show/hide video controllers, randomize videos…
- Bottom Navigation Positioning: You can position the bottom navigation to left, right or center.
- Lightweight: The JS file has around 22KB.
- Free Updates: Once you’ve bought the product, you can download for free, from your account, all the updated versions.
Note for IOS/Android (restrictions imposed by Apple/Google):
The autoplay will not work because IOS/Android disables autoplay feature and it can’t be controlled from JS
4. WP Responsive Youtube Playlist Video Player
A responsive HTML5 Video Player to play YouTube playlists. The player is fully responsive and will resize intelligently, it also runs smoothly on mobile devices. You can enter a YouTube playlist id, channel id or a single video id as playlist source. The player has a custom designed interface, instead of YouTube’s default interface. You can customise its appearance, and lots of other options and settings in the intuitive admin panel. The playlists can then be added to your pages or posts using a shortcode generator in the editor.
Full Feature List:
- Enter a Youtube Playlist, Channel Playlist, or a single Video
- Custom Player Controls
- Newest YouTube API V3
- Native Fullscreen Support for Major Browsers
- Social Sharing Buttons (Facebook, Twitter Google+)
- Works great on Mobile Devices
- Widget included to easily add the player as a widget
- Automatically show/hide playlist
- Continuous Play & Autoplay
- Integrated pagination via AJAX, so playlists can have unlimited video’s
- Display playlist on the right, or on the bottom
- Beautiful Admin Panel to change player settings
- Shortcode Generator: Just copy paste the link from YouTube and press a button
- Many Options More, like: continuous playing, autoplay, max results, first video, annotations, fullscreen, fixed width, volume etc.
5. uPlayer – Video Player for WordPress
uPlayer is a powerful responsive jQuery based HTML5 Video Player that can play local videos.
uPlayer supports unlimited playlists and each playlist can have unlimited videos.
- Double click fullscreen / normal screen.
- Dark and Light theme.
- Autoplay at Scrolling page.
- Video statistics.
- Subheading for video.
- Duration and Current time.
- Heading for video.
- You can create single player, or player with playlist.
CONTROLS for this HTML5 Video Player:
- Seek
- Show/Hide Playlist
- Play/Pause
- Volume
- Fullscreen Mode
- Previous/Next Video
– Only mp4 video file required.
– Fullscreen button doesn’t work if the browser doesn’t have fullscreen support, some mobile browsers, or browsers like IE8/IE9/IE10.
6. Elite Video Player – WordPress Plugin
Elite Video Player is modern, responsive, fully customisable high-end HTML5 Video Player WordPress Plugin that support advertising and the most popular video platforms.
1. Installation Tutorial
2. Android Demo
3. iPad Demo
Reasons to choose this Video Player WordPress:
Elite video player supports pre-roll (before), mid-roll (during), post-roll (after), video ads and pop-up ads. For each video in playlist you can set own pre-roll/mid-roll/post-roll/pop-up ad.
Unlimited color option
Elite player look can be customised by changing the color accent to any color you like to make your player blend in to your website perfectly.
YouTube support – playlist/channel/single youtube
Elite video player can play any youtube video, import youtube playlists or even user channels.
Self-hosted videos
You can host your own videos with only mp4 format required.
Have your Elite Player up and running in minutes
Installation is super easy. Simply choose video player type and insert the shortcode in your page or post.
Lightbox mode, responsive mode, fullscreen mode
Elite video player can be showed in lightbox mode. You can set any image to open player in lightbox. Multiple lightbox images are supported (multiple lightbox players in same page).
Great features for this HTML5 Video Player:
- free support
- pre-roll, mid-roll, post-roll, pop-up advertising that works with youtube
videos/playlists/user channels - tooltip indicator for better user experiance
- resizeable width and height
- font awesome icons – perfect for Retina displays (font Awesome icons are vectors, which
mean they are gorgeous on high-resolution displays) - packed with options
- Google Drive videos support
- free updates
7. MemberPlayer – HTML5 Video Player – with Grid Style and Lightbox Popups, Youtube & Vimeo Included
HTML5 Video Player plays Video & Mobile Devices (Advanced Cutting Edge Technology)
MemberPlayer’s™ Mobile Responsive HTML5 Video Player ensures a A+ viewing experience across devices, platforms and browsers. MemberPlayer leads with HTML5 player first, and then will autoswap to Flash if your website visitors browser does not support HTML5. Your audience sees exactly what you worked so hard to create!
Great features for this Video Player WordPress:
- Plays HTML5 video with premium play styles, including Grid Style, Grid lightbox popups, and text bullet popups.
- Has Youtube and Vimeo support.
- Add skins of any color around self hosted, youtube, or vimeo videos.
- All play styles are Mobile Responsive – Supports WEBM, MP4, OGG, FLV . Show your video in any desired player size.
- Detects the video dimensions for configuring the correct player size.
- Add Border Skins with 6 Styles.
- IMPORTANT: See Live Preview for All details.
8. Universal HTML5 Video Player WordPress Plugin
Universal Video Player supports YouTube, Vimeo and Self-Hosted videos and is a top-notch responsive HTML5 Video Player WordPress plugin compatible with all major browsers and mobile devices.
This product is included in THE MOST WANTED WORDPRESS PLUGINS PACK – 90% OFF
1: Installation
2: Create a new player and manage the player settings
3: Manage the playlist and categories
NEW: Automatically Obtain Thumbnail, Title and Description From YouTube Server
FEATURES for this indispensable HTML5 Video Player WordPress Plugin:
- YouTube, Vimeo and Self-Hosted support: It plays YouTube, Vimeo and Self-Hosted video files. For YouTube and Vimeo, all you need to use is the video ID
- Responsive Design: The plugin can be used in websites which are responsive. Optional parameter to disable responsive behavior in order to integrate it in non-responsive websites.
- Mobile Compatible: It is compatible with IOS and Android operating systems.
- Google Analytics: Option to activate Google Analytics tracking. You’ll be able to see how many times each video was played.
- Customizable Color Scheme: Any color scheme possible, customizable from parameters, so you can integrate this HTML5 Video Player WordPress in any design.
- Two Skins: You can choose from the 2 skins available: back & white. Also, from parameters you can create any color scheme, having the possibility to integrate it in any design.
- Categories: The playlist items can be structured in categories. A video can belong to multiple categories.
- Playlist Search: You have the option to search the playlist. The results will be displayed as you type the search term.
- Playlist With 3 Versions: You can show the playlist thumb, title & description or hide one of them. Also parameters for playlist size and color.
- Option To Automatically Obtain the Video Thumbnail, Title and Description From YouTube Servers: All you need to use is the YouTube video ID and the plugin will get these information from YouTube server. Parameters to use your own information
- Download Option: Available button to download the current playing file (only for self-hosted videos). You have the option to hide the download button.
- Multiple Parameters: Autoplay, loop (entire playlist), colors, dimensions etc. Over 85 parameters from where you can customize the player.
- Logo/Watermark: You can define a logo in the top & left corner. Also, option to set the link and target_self or _blank.
- Shuffle: Option to shuffle the playlist.
- Show/Hide Playlist: Button to show or hide the playlist. Also option to load the player with the playlist hidden.
- Share: You can share your HTML5 video player WordPress on Facebook and Twitter. Parameters to customize the share title and description.
- Lightweight: The JS file has around 55KB.
- Free Updates: Once you’ve bought the product, you can download for free, from your account, all the updated versions.
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